At-Home Sustainability

Sustainability is a buzzword that spans many industries, including the real estate market. In April, the National Association of REALTORS© released a report that showed a large portion of the market, including brokers, agents and buyers, are interested in energy efficiency and sustainable home features. Today, we dive into at-home sustainability and how it might apply to your home or condominium.
What are sustainable home features?
Eco-friendly building practices are common throughout the new construction world; since The U.S. Green Building Council was established in 1993, many architects and designers have put their efforts into new sustainability methods. Programs such as LEED certification ensure that buildings meet requirements for energy efficiency, water use and renewable or recycled materials. Chicago even has its own advantages and strategies when it comes to sustainability. But if your home is older, or if you’re in a rental residence, there are still options to make your space more environmentally conscious.
How can I make my home more sustainable?
Solar panels, water conserving appliances, and energy efficient lighting are all features you may be able to incorporate into your home. For smaller changes, try replacing your light bulbs with energy efficient LED options or installing a smart thermostat. For homeowners, these changes could make a big difference whenever you decide to sell.
In the words of our own Mario Greco during a Chicago Agent story on sustainability, “If you can get ahead of the curve by putting some green features in your home, maybe in the next five or 10 years when I think it’s going to be a much more urgent matter, you might be able to come out ahead when you’re selling your home.”
Whether your at-home sustainability practices are large or small, they are certainly changes worth making — both for your home value and for the planet.