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MG Group Spotlight: Vivienne Frow

Headshot of Vivienne Frow

Headshot of Vivienne Frow

Throughout the business of each week, MG Group wouldn’t function efficiently without all the behind-the-scenes work of our team. As our Director of Operations & Senior Sales Consultant, Vivienne Frow is a crucial part in keeping things running smoothly. With years of experience and a keen sense of detail, Vivienne’s passion for what she does helps MG Group thrive. 

How did you get involved in the real estate business?

I started as an assistant to a top single-family broker in the city, and learned all I could about the Chicago real estate market – particularly the luxury real market. My background is in publishing, so attention to the many details needed in creating a marketable product for a home came naturally. When I started, we implemented many of the tactics that are considered standard today, like staging and decluttering. In many ways, we set the trend for Chicago brokers today. 

How long have you been at MG Group? What have you learned from your time at MG?

In the nearly two years I’ve worked with MG Group, I’ve learned how to adapt and direct the largest team in the city. I’ve worked with real estate teams before, but none that match our sales team or overall manpower. MG Group runs like a business enterprise (versus an individual broker or small team), and this unique approach sets it apart. Each role or department serves a unique purpose in our operational process that retains clients long-term because we make them feel like they are our only client. 

What keeps you passionate about what you do?

I was really impressed with the business Mario built and I’m always seeking to improve upon the model that is MG Group. Building upon Mario’s transparent approach to each transaction and client relationship model, I’m motivated to multiply our business while overseeing one of the largest transactions of people’s lives. 

How does MG Group stand out from other teams, in the Chicago area or even nationwide? 

MG Group stands out in many ways, but one of the biggest differences is that we have dedicated roles (new business, listing concierge, marketing, scheduling, contracts) that help create a seamless transaction. Uniquely, we have a New Business Manager who has been with MG Group since its inception, and her institutional knowledge is endlessly helpful in maintaining client relationships. 

What accomplishments are you most proud of with MG Group? 

At this moment, I’m most proud of how MG Group has sustained our business through COVID-19 despite staff cuts, fears of contraction, market declines and client concerns. It has been a challenging time, and I am proud that we have learned to adapt to a different market. 

What trends are you seeing in the Chicago residential market that are most interesting these days?

The infusion of digital marketing is foremost. The emphasis of virtual tours, 3D tours and drones are the trends that we see now. Although some bigger brokers/teams already included these marketing tools in listings, now small teams and individual brokers have finally jumped on the wagon and it has become basic business practice. The standard of creating compelling listings has risen. 

We’re incredibly proud of our group of dedicated, passionate people. Stay tuned for more team member spotlights on the Home. Made.™ Blog!